Megi Ketam | Drooling
Hi !
Are you a seafood lover?? If you are, you must be like me, crazying and drooling over a plate of fresh crabs, fish, mussels, cuttlefish and many more.
Today, over brunch (breakfast + lunch), Fatinoon and Fizi were talking about a restaurant called megi ketam. (instant noodle with crabs, fresh ones!), I was listening to them..
Now, with a growling stomach, I keep thinking about that megi ketam. Wahh... How come it is so far away from my place? Don't they have anything like that here? I am such a big fan of seafood !
I guess, I must put them on my food list this year. Must eat them before next year! Yeah.
Now this has make me thinking of lobster! Gosh!!!! Want them so bad.... T_T
Why is Kelantan so far away?? And, I will never get on a bus and go to such places because I hate long journey on a bus. I prefer to be in a car for a long journey. But that of course, involves lots of money. Oh, I wish I can just ask my family to go there but during school holidays, that stat receives so many loves from the people of other states and I hate traffic jam !!
p/s: Can I ask on of my housemates to bring this to me? LOL. *glittering eyes..*
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