I'm a Spoiled Brat

Here's just a thought of a mind who keeps thinking of all sorts of things on a bed when the body keeps telling the mind to, "shut the f*** up and go to sleep". Please don't bother with the F word. It can be any word depending on what sorts of mind you have. 

I don't want to be a spoiled brat but I just couldn't help myself. Liar! Yeah, tell that to my face. I know that too. 

Different person is brought up in a different environment and depending on different education and training that he/she receives and thus affecting their behaviour. 

Some are brought up in a very wealthy family that they do not care at all about how much they have spent for the day.

Some are brought up in a wealthy family but they value money very much and these people are very rare on earth. They are rich but they never admit themselves as rich people. 

Me? I've said it, I'm a spoiled brat. Even though my father works very hard to earn money for a living, for us, I am still being pampered even though I am a grown up. Well, that grown up thing comes after looking at my age which is 22 this year. Ha!!! So, grown up. But not mentally and physically. Just, THE AGE. 

Why I called myself a spoiled brat and even though my father works very hard to earn money? That's because I have such a loving father who loves his daughter very very much. This daughter will never say no to his request. I think that's why he loves me so much. Now, when I don't have money, I just have to call him and ask for money and I will receive the money on the very next day or that day itself. *Such a spoiled brat. 

Well, maybe that's because whatever I want, my father will give it to me. Whenever I went back home during the holidays, name it whatever I want to eat, he'll go to the market the next day and buy it for me and my mom will cook it. I am so happy right now thinking about it. Wonder how my husband will treat me. 

I did not go to boarding school because I went to a half-boarding school. -.-'' Only people who live far away from the school are able to sign up for the hostel facilities. I lived nearby so it means, I had to travel back and forth to school. That's normal. I had NEVER do things independently until I enter this college. So, big thanks to you IPG! 

I learn to manage money I received, and I still remember the time when my dad could not give me money because of the bank was too far away from home *stupid bank!*, and he had no time to go to the bank, me and my room mate had to eat instant noodles for a week! OK. I lied. For 5 days. 1 pack per day! Wonder why I never lost weight during that time. Har3. Until now, even if I smell that specific instant noodle type, I'd be wanting to vomit. My head will be spinning. I can smell it even if it is inside a room you know. My nose is so sensitive towards that specific smell. T.T How's that to my money management?? S.U.C.K.S. Why? Because I was not brought up in a way that you have to EARN for that money, you just need to ASK for money when you don't have enough. 

So, back again being a spoiled brat. Today, my dad sent me to this place, again, for the freakiesh don't-know-how-many-times-it-had-been. Yes. I didn't want to go back to this place by bus because I said to him nobody is available to pick me up at the bus station. As if there's no taxi there! Huhu. Please take note that I am a very weird person having a complicated mind because I watched too many action and horror movies. And thriller too. 

That's why whenever I see a girl who is able to do all the things on their own even like hopping into a taxi alone, I will look at the girl with a shining bright eyes and an opened mouth. Because I'll be amazed. I can't do what she did because I have that complex mind. 

That's the reason why my dad had to send me here. Some more talking about the money he had to spend along the way. For the payment of the 'tol' it's rm32. The gas would be almost hundred back and forth. That's for one time spending me you know. Imagine all the money he had spent for me just on that. He can definitely buy a new motorcycle ! 

I keep thinking about it and the reason why my father is willing (well not so willing but more on duty as a father), to send me here is because it will take only two hour to reach to Ipoh. If I lived in a east of Malaysia, I don't think my father will send me by his car too. That's why I said, different people are brought up differently and thus affecting their behaviour too. 

And that's why, I'M A SPOILED BRAT. 

p/s: my boyfie said that I am very 'manja'. haha.. 


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