Retirement of the Director of IPG Kampus Ipoh

Assalamualaikum wbt n peace upon all.

Let the title speaks for this entry. Yes. The director had retired and the ceremony had been held last Friday. Heh!! Sorry. This post was meant to be dated on last Friday but I was too busy with something I myself am not sure.

Let's take a look at the pictures shall we.. :)

Waiting for our beloved Director.
He's approaching... 
There you go. The small man at the front. Our Director! 
Silat. What is silat in English anyway? 
Specially for you pengarah! 
The hall was full with people.. Not enough seats for everyone. Director must had been so proud of us. 

It feels bad when the director is leaving us. He's such a good man. Although we never receive our allowance as earlier as the other IPG students, but we managed to survive. It's not his fault though. So whatever it is, we'll be missing you if we have a strict director after this. teehee..


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