Tips for Waking Up Early | Good Morning
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Sleeping. When has it ever been enough for all of us? We always want more of sleep. Well, surely not for insomnia people and others who have trouble in sleeping.
After sleeping it is a must for us to wake up. This has always been a struggle. OK. Consider these:
1) Your alarm is throwing a tantrum right beside your ears, and you make it shuts their mouth up. You press the snooze button.
2) In certain cases whereby mom keeps calling you to wake up and you keep saying 5 more minutes but you actually wake up half an hour after that?
3) Have you ever, wake up in shock and look at the watch and you realize you are already late?
and many other symptoms...
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Are you like this in the morning? |
I am not always the early riser but I would say, if it isn't a holiday, I will wake up early. :P
What? I can't brag about myself here now? tsk tsk..
Anyway, if you are dying to wake up early but you find it impossible to do so, here are some tips, specially written for you.
1) Sleep early. I know, not many of us are able to do this, but hey, everyone is given 24 hour per day..
2) Put you alarm away from your bed so that you have to walk to switch off the alarm.
3) Once you open your eyes, DO NOT cuddle in your warm and comfy comforter or blanket. Quickly bring yourself to stand up. This will alert all the senses you have.
4) For Muslim, say prayers. That is Doa after wakes up. If you do not know, please Google it. That's why you have Google. This one works the best for me.
5) For non-muslim, it is highly suggested for you to be grateful or thankful for another day that has been given to you to be alive. Shout it out loud yeah. I'm alive~~~~~~~ JK (This is what that has been suggested in the book The Magic by Rhonda Byrne)
6) Look forward to see tomorrow before you sleep.
7) Once you have opened your eyes, never doubt yourself to get off from bed. Just do it.
Well, I think that's all the tips I have to wake up early. Make it a habit then it won't be taken off easily from you..
Good luck.
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This is how I look when I wake up. Harharhar.. JK |
p/s: At some point in my life, I do wake up later than I am supposed to be for example, 45 minutes before I should enter the class. My life would be very miserable that day. I am not PERFECT.
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