Would You Marry a Hawker

I manage to finish the assignment. Yey. Clap hands. 

Back to the topic. 

Previously in my culture class,  that's right baby, I learn about culture in class, we were asked a question that has to do with the entire entry. 

What was the question? 

Would you marry a hawker? To those who cannot remember what a hawker is, let me refresh your mind. Hawker in malay word is penjaja. I am referring to the people who work at the night market and every where else. 

Most of my classmates answered no. But I answered differently. Dare to be different. 

For guys, this might not be a problem since they are the one who is going to support the family. But for girls, it is very important to find a guy who is able to take care of the family and has the ability to spare for the family. 

So back to the question, would I marry someone who is a hawker?

I said, depends. 

Depends on what? 

Depends on the attitude of the man. I have my own list of characteristics for my future husband and believe it or not, he does not need to drive fancy car and carry a thick wallet with him all the time. For me, even though money is really an important aspect of life and also marriage, but we also need to consider even more important details for instance, his faithfulness, his relationship with God, and to me, most importantly, he must be good to his mother and also he is hardworking.

Yes. Those characteristics are a must. Why?

Let me ask you something girls, does having a degree guarantee you a successful and blessing life? If your answer is yes, then how sure are you? Lots of degree holder nowadays cannot find themselves a job. Will you marry someone who has degree but jobless or you would rather marry a man with a job but without a degree. 

Please do not misunderstand me. I do not claim that we should pursue hawkers instead of degree holder men. The choice is all yours. 

My point is, anyone can be successful if they want to and work hard towards it. If we are judging a person by his or her level of education, then would it be fair? I personally do not think of it as fair to judge a person from one aspect only. Some might not be lucky enough to receive education due to family factors and for many other reasons. 

I am not perfect and neither do you. I make mistakes too. But this is my belief. Hawkers must be clapping hands for me. Oh wait, hard working hawkers won't find a time to visit my blog and bother about my opinion. :) 

Anyhow, it does not matter what job you are, as long as you are working hard for it then it will all be worth it. Unlike certain people who would rather sit in an air-conditioned office and wait for money to come and those who even cheat others' people money. You decide which one suits you. I am just stating what I want and what I think. 

It is all up to us to decide. But remember to not judge a person from one aspect of his/her life only. Take a good look and you will be surprised of what you'll see.

Have a nice dream everyone. Good night. 


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