Asperger Syndrome and My Weekend Activity

 Hey everyone. I am actually at home. It's a risky decision but then my mother keeps asking me to go back home. :) 

I am currently at my father's school. The reason I came here at the first place was because early in the morning my dad called and asked me to go to my sister's school to get whatever money that they were giving. So I woke up pretty early and went to the school and ended up here. It's okay. School's half day today.

I am thinking what do I want to do with my weekend other than watching Korean dramas and read novel. Cooking? Maybe. Ah-ha!!! 

Since I am a person who loves to eat, cooking comes after that. Meaning here, I also love to cook. Wah, my husband is so lucky eh. I think I want to cook spaghetti for this weekend since my sister loves to eat my spaghetti. I am excited now. Will be sharing the photos, if I manage to take them. And of course, I don't mind sharing the recipe too. 

Anyway, I am currently reading a novel entitles House Rules. *Gosh, so difficult to type with this keyboard.* 

This book is not the latest one but I just manage to put my hands on them quite recently. It is an interesting book. It's about a child with Aspergers syndrome. It has to do with autism. 

After reading it, I feel like I really would love to meet a child or children with this syndrome. Why? 

Autistic kids are amazing you know. They might avoid eye contacts with us but their brain is amazing. Some even have photographic memory. I have always wanted to have such memories. But, ya know, I don't have such ability and I am still wondering, How do I get such abilities? Is is trained or is it gifted? I really want my kids to be genius. LOL. Who am I kidding? I am not even a genius yet, wanting children with amazing brain abilities. Hey, at least I can train them, right? *Positive, positive, positive thinking.*

Back to the autistic kids, based on the book, it says here, such kids do not have the ability of reading social cues. Understand? 

For example when they see people's mouth turning into a smile shape, they'll take it as they are happy. But, we are the normal people, we know that sometimes, smile can also bring other meaning. We can definitely see how people force themselves to smile but in fact, they don't even feel like smiling. That's how we normal people see it. But the autistic kids, they cannot interpret that. Ok. I am talking here based on what I understand from the novel. Not from my own experience or research. Maybe I should take some time to read more about that. Such a brilliant idea.

In the book, it also says that, the boy, the character, talked in a flat robotic voice. I know, I can imagine how a robot speaks, but I cannot imagine how a human speaks in a flat tone. Please take not that they might not all speak like this. I'll probably be looking this up on youtube now. 

Since I don't have anything better to do, I looked up what are the characteristics of an Asperger syndrome.  Here goes.

These special children have difficulty with social communication. They cannot read gestures, facial expression and they find it hard to understand jokes, sarcasm, metaphor and all that. They also have difficulty in making a conversation or choosing a topic for a conversation. Pretty unique eh? Meanwhile, I always have something to talk about. I am a very talkative ever since I enter high school. 

They love logic things like science and mathematics. That's why sometimes we interpret them as geniuses because they are always good at it. I am not in the way of mathematics and science. I just love life. *Duh, life involves science and mathematics too!* 

You can trace these special kids when you are having conversation with them. They tend to avoid eye contacts. This is a pretty obvious because in our social context, eye contact is pretty important. 

Children with Asperger syndrome love routine. They love to know what is going to happen next. What are they going to do next. They do not like to have a disruption of an event of their routine. They can have break down if their routine is disturbed. Their life is a routine. 

For normal people, we can definitely be bored with such life. Same events and activities for the rest of your life. Take that! Completely, insanely boring. But for them, it is major important to follow the routine.

They can also be obsessive in certain things. For example, in the novel, the boy was so obsessive with forensics. He watched Crime Busters (involve with forensics thing) over and over again.

Oh, I just love this book. I think I have known a bit about Asperger syndrome because of this book. 

Anyway, to the parents who have children with disabilities, you should not abandon them just because they are different. Instead, as parents, you should do your best to make sure that this blood and flesh of yours will be independent and be an awesome person one day. I sincerely wish you for the best. 

I have seen down syndrome child, but I have never met an autistic kid. Would love to spend some time with them one day. 


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