Foreign Workers

Please remember that this entry does not mean I am being racist or whatever negative thing that you can label me after reading this. 

Here's the story, experienced by me. 

I was at a restaurant with boyfie. Kedai mamak. I don't mind eating there at all cause back in my hometown in Penang, I have gotten used to that kind of restaurant. 

Some times the workers at the restaurant are not local. By mean, they are not Malaysian lah. These people  (workers tadi) only learn the language not the non-verbal signs or clues from our society or community. 

I just think, it is rude to stare at people for a long time. If you're not caught red handed then it's fine. But if the people whom you were staring at look at you back and noticing that you are staring at him/her, than that would be rude. Mostly girls will think its rude cause it gives the unpleasant feeling like, ohmygod, is he a raper or what.... Something like that. It is very scary. And I also think that some guys or girls enjoy being stared at. 

For me, I don't like being stared at. If you want to look at me for like twice or more than that, then it is definitely okay with me. But if you are walking and you keep staring at me, I'll definitely be having that kind of thought I mentioned just now. 

Back to the story. 

While I was eating, there's this worker, who kept staring at me even when he was just passing. So I looked back at him and in my head, Daheck this guy want? As to not be so 'perasan', I ignored that guy. 

Then again, this guy purposely standing and doing whatever thing lah because I was lazy to be bothered with whatever this guy was doing, and again, he was staring at me. I was like, whatdaa........ I couldn't just ignore this, so I told my boyfie about this weird worker. 

If a girl is wearing a mini skirt with a see-through shirt, then it is understandable lah why she gets all sorts of 'attention' from guys. At that time, I was wearing my t-shirt, and a long skirt with my cardigan and also my scarf lah. Even that t-shirt I sometime use it to bed you know. Mean, it is nothing to be stared at. So why was this guy keep looking at me as if I got extra eyes on my forehead? And I personally think I didn't look that much attractive since I did not put any make up on even compact powder. Completely bare skin! Plus, there's a Chinese woman who wore a mini skirt that exposed third quarter of her thighs sitting some place in the restaurant. Why must this weird guy looking at me?? Please, I don't have the answer. 

After I told my boyfie about that weird worker, my boyfie called him to give us the bill. Then he went away, even while my boyfie was looking at him, he was still able to put his eyes on me for quite some time. How daring ! 

I really wanted to get away from the restaurant (the man) as soon as possible. I told my boyfie that I was scared. Who knows what's gonna happen? He could grab my arm and do something to me you know, so I better put myself in a precaution. My boyfie asked me to hold my helmet so that if that guy is trying to do anything to me, just hit him with the helmet. 

While we were walking, he was there. Right on the way. I had to walk beside him to pass through. I was really scared. I couldn't possibly be changing my position with my boyfie because it would definitely sparked a thought to that man that I was scared. 

I just pretended to not see anything and even avoid looking at him. Then I quickly walked away. After we managed to get ourselves out from the restaurant, my boyfie told me, even when we were walking beside him, he kept staring at me.. Spooky right? 

Girls, please be careful if you go out there and most likely do not go ALONE at some place where you hardly go. It can be dangerous. If you really have to and have no one to accompany, make sure you check that place first before entering. 

I really wish I could forget all this but I have to share with you all girls. You can meet this guy anywhere you go. And for all the gentlemen who are reading this, please take a good care of your girl or woman or women. By right, women here includes your mother and your sisters and your girl friends, and girlfriend. Only gentleman will read my blog. :) 

We'll meet again. Soon. Real soon.  

p/s: I didn't do anything to that worker because he didn't touch me. Hoping I will not meet him again. 


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