hardworking daddy

you think all teachers have free time during the school holidays?

well, most teachers do. but not my daddy.. 

he's a hardworking teacher i've ever known. 

he's been working hard all his life and i just can't wait to see him sit down for a week and literally do nothing and just rest. get some rest daddy.. 

now, he's at Seremban, cuz he's the manager for the state's KKJR group. even though his school did not send any representative but he still has to go. and now i am replacing my father's morning duty on holiday which go to the market. which i only done it only today. then i was exhausted. lol

my daddy will be back on Tuesday's night and on t Thursday he needs to go to KL to prepare questions for MGB module if i'm not mistaken. yerp. i am not sure how long will he go there. but sure he is a hardworking daddy even though this is supposed to be a holiday for all teachers. but nope, there are few teachers out there, still working hard to look after some children. and my daddy is one of them. super proud of him. 

can't believe how fast time flies. now it's already towards the end of november. soon, one of my classmates will be getting married. and the next month, another! 

happy wedding for my lovely classmates. 

hopefully, i can make it. :) 


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