i love my housemate

the other day i had a really bad craving for pisang goreng cheese. you have no idea how good it is..  the one from the stall that i bought was super delicious and it kept you full too. 

so, i asked him to buy but since he just woken up and it was already late, he refused. haha.. that's normal. it's okay.

so, i was doing all crazy stuff cuz i was bored and i didn't want to study. 

then, i ranted it on my house's group in whatsapp. i ranted that i wanted goreng pisang cheese and my housemate bought it!!!!! makes me love my housemate even more.

this evening, one of my housemates went out. when she got home, she said she bought something for me. i was already betting on food. 

to my surprise she bought me pisang goreng cheese that i've wanted all along...

i am super grateful to her and awakk. terima kasih banyak-banyak sebab teringat kat saya and belikan saya pisang goreng cheese.

she said she remembered me and then she bought it. awwwwwwwww.... 

ni la yang membuatkan lagi sedih nak tinggalkan housemate sekalian... :(


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