catching my breath

i always hated to pack things up and organize things. i don't put my things back at their respective place especially when i am in hurry and i am just messy like that. 

so, this evening like i told ya i was cleaning and packing things up, i did not know that i would be super tiring. 

now i am catching my breath. even though i took nearly two hours to complete all the tasks, and it does not even look as organized as i thought it would be, but i managed to do it anyway and anyhow i can. 

i called him and i am way too lazy to put away my rack and my closet, so i am giving the stuff to him. for free yeah. so, that's a relief, i don't have to pack up more.

so i called him to ask whether he wants it or not but he did not give me the answer yet. so later. since he's busy. 

i know i did short entry but frequent update but whatever, i'll post whatever i want, whenever i want. bye.


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