i had lots of fun yesterday

this is what happened last night, or evening, or both. 

while i was reading for exam purpose, in the living room with my room mate, most of us got bored and stated to share photos of delicious food. 

then, my housemate was going out with her boyfriend cause her boyfriend was craving for western food. funny, a guy with craving. 

when she started to talk about western food i was about to go crazy cuz it's freaking evening and it's raining pretty hard, and so i was really hungry even though i got fish bone stuck in my throat. 

so i called him, and asked him out cuz for quite a few days i've been wanting to eat fish and chips. i know that there's nothing special but the one Ika was having the other night at Mat Periuk restaurant was so good. so i asked him to take me to a dinner for western food. since it was just an evening, i continued reading few more pages before i started to get really bored. 

then the night came. please remember that the next morning i'll be sitting on an exam, we went out and went to the nearest yet famous place for western food which is the eight miles. you should check upon that restaurant if you're nearby. 

i had fish and chips as i wanted and he was having a beef oblong (banjir). 

anyway, my food was not that good and since i ordered iced tea, my stomach was already full when i was about to eat. thus, i did not finish my food. 

whereas him, as an awesome eater. he finished up his food and also mine. 

the fish in my fish and chip dish was not as delicious as in Mat Periuk but the chips were awesome! they made it like hash brown in McDonalds but thicker. even though it was a bit salty but i still ate them. *though i was not able to finish them all. 

the salad was not that good cuz i think they over-mayoned it. haha. hope you can understand. new word, over-mayoned. so didn't quite like it. 

i could not eat his food but i did have a bit or so of the beef and it was good. i am not so into black pepper sauce but the beef was cooked good enough. he said he liked it. so be it. 

after eating, and i really really wanted to pee, so i urged him to take me to any nearby toilet which we went to Petronas Tambun. man..... so long to hold it off. but i did it. 

then he asked me where to go? and i wanted to go for a bicycle ride in Kinta River Front. or mostly known as ICT in Ipoh. there got a double bicycle and it's RM10 for half an hour ride. you can also ride the bicycle to the DR park which was located nearby. 

we had so much fun riding the bicycle together even though other couples looked at us as if we're a bunch of weirdos. but still, we didn't really care cuz we had super much fun together riding it back and forth. 

if you've been to Taman Dr, you'll know how big the park is. and we circled the park and i was tired like mad! we were sweating like crazy. 

30 minutes of riding a bicycle non stop, it was worth it. it was fun and it was healthy too. 

as soon as we got off the bicycle, our legs started to feel weird. we were laughing at each other and he was having way more fun for laughing at me because i started to walk like a granny. seriously, you guys should try it out. 

so after that we headed to KTM and just hang out there. i bought a 'sengkuang calit' which is my favourite thing to eat. 

let me google you the picture. 

tadaa.. looks good right? it was delicious. but i didn't finish it there and then cuz i was busy talking with him. 

two years and eight months, i never feel tired talking to him. 

then 11.30 p.m. he sent me home and i quickly grabbed my book and started to read until 1.30 a.m. 

then i went to bed cuz i was super tired and sleepy. 

that's all for what happened last night which i think was very very fun. :) 


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