
how fast time flies?

very fast.

still remember the time when i was contemplating whether to complete my AR report or just watch other awesome movies and not doing it.

but now, i have already finished my second paper! road to final year is really tough. one more paper left.

i kind of can't wait to finish all these. but at the same time i have mixed feelings about leaving this place.

there was one time when i can't wait to finish my degree and get away from the people who love to talk behind my back and not seeing them. i just couldn't wait to say goodbye to some people.

but now the time have come, i realized one thing, being able to say goodbye does not mean it's for certain people. to say goodbye is for all the people that i have known especially the ones that i love. my housemates, my dearest friends and him.

soon, all of these are gonna be memories and i will cherish each and every moment that had happened in my life. i'll know that this is the place where i learned about a lot of things. there were good lessons and bad lessons. but that makes me who i am today and i am proud of what i had went through. on certain amounts.

so soon i will be saying goodbye and starting a new life as a real teacher.

let each day passes by with great happiness.

and to my dearest ones, may our relationships lasts forever and i love you. xoxo


  1. best of luck amalina in yr study and yr life too .:)was here


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