beauty tips: are you truly ready for it?

is it possible to look beautiful even if you're not borne with superficial features? 

as a woman or a girl, it's normal for us to feel like we're beautiful. no doubt about it. women are like that. they like cute and pretty stuff. i mean, most women are like that.  

sometimes we look into the mirror and we kinda don't like what we see. SOMETIMES. 

we want to look beautiful. so we try on so many ways to be one. for example, buy pretty clothes, put on make up, to a certain amount, some go for plastic surgeries. 

so, to my question just now, is it possible? yes. it is possible for all women to look beautiful. but, it requires a lot of commitment and hard work. 

why i said so? let's consider this:

we were told to clean our face once in the morning and once at night. 

1) i know a lot of us do clean our face in the morning but how many are really committed to clean their face at night? trust me, i am guilty of this too. 

that is one commitment that you have to do. for your face ONLY.

2) for those who wear make up, you need to remove all your make up BEFORE you clean your face and go to bed. imagine, when you had a long day, and as soon as you reached home, all you wanted to do was to lay in your bed and go to sleep immediately cuz you're freaking tired. do you really remove your make up first and clean your face or you just go ahead and clean your face without removing the make up first? don't look at me as if you've never done that. i know you do. 

it's all about the commitment. ready to put on make up? think carefully. once you are ready to put on make up there will be one day where you cannot live without them. i know i do. and only few of us who are really comfortable showing off their skin cuz theirs are great. but me? i have pimples and the scars all over my face and sometimes when i go out, i feel the need to conceal them. looking flawless has always been my motive. 

3) do you know that you need to change your compact powder's sponge regularly? or you need to wash them regularly? 

i know some of us use their sponge until the pieces fell off from the sponge. still using the same sponge from the moment you buy your compact powder until it finishes. just imagine the amount of dirt that has been accumulated on your beauty sponge and yet you still dare to wipe it across your face. not to forget those who LOVE to wipe their powder while their face is sweating and the sponge absorbs the sweat. now you're freaking out huh? 

my advice, get a good quality of beauty sponge. cuz when you wash them, it will still be the same. you know what i mean. you know when you have a low quality beauty sponge when the pieces keep coming off and they leave your sponge with small holes everywhere that looks like cockroaches' bites which is just disgusting. so, GET A GOOD BEAUTY SPONGE! it'll be worth it. 

actually they are a lot of things to think about before you decide to do anything. my advice, if you're willing to do and be committed to it, go ahead. 

if you don't and so not ready for it, emm, up to you. you can live with your current styles you have. 

i know i am no beauty expert or something but i just wanted to share what i know. one day, who knows, my grandchildren will read this and make use of this information. lolz. 


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