these are the bunch of people whom i spent most of my time with. farewell housemates.

actually, i wanted to update. but i was just too lazy. had an exam yesterday, didn't study like mad thus could not really answer the questions. never mind.

this post is going to be filled with hell lots of photos.

yesterday, after the exam, i was already hungry. of course. who wouldn't? but that's not the point. my point is, i had a great lunch with all of my housemates yesterday. it was a really fun outing to have with my housemates since we're all going to be apart soon. :(

so we headed up to JJ and we went to Seoul Garden! man. it was awesome and we ate like crazy. here's a thing about buffet, i don't really like all you can eat buffet. because i honestly didn't eat much. although i may look as if i had consumed all of the foods in this world, but i don't. really.

here are the pictures.

p/s:lots and lots of my pictures. haha..

please don't mind kasut and slipar yg bersepah tu. banyak sangat tak larat susun. 

room mate kat asrama. room mate kat rumah sewa. love you. muahciked

yes.. i paling pendek. terserlahhhh kat situ.

menyempat je sume nak tukar pose.

dah kenapa ngn ucu?

mut and ucu. lol. bukan kitorang jer kat situ. nampak kan ada sapa? hihi

gegirls sekalian.. haish. sayang giler kat dorang nih. 

setelah selesai makan. 

terserlah gigi rabbit. 

siyes sayang sangat-sangat kat hosmet i :* 

ugly face attempt

ugly face attempt 

karaoke seround.

 i had great experiences with them. i appreciate them a lot. thank you for accepting who i am and the craziness inside of me. two years as housemates. love yall so much! hope jangan lupa semua kenangan kita yer. manis semuanya.. :) 


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