last night

last night i did not plan to go out cuz i was already tired. but then he called and asked me to accompany him to dinner cuz most of his housemates are out. so he asked me out. 

as i got in the car, he told me that his parents were waiting for him. and i was like... whaaaatt???!!! why didn't you tell me????!!!!

i was super shocked. i met his parents before, quite a number of times already but i was not prepared for this.. 

but i ended up going anyway and i met his family. he took me to dinner with his family.

i already ate two hours ago and i was still full and i also had my benjo back in the car but still, he ordered food for me!!! i was definitely going to kill him so i did kick him under the table. he deserved it. 

i gave him half of my rice, served him right lah kan, so i forced myself to eat. T_T i needed to finish my food, nanti apa pulak mak dia cakap kan? 

and i was the last person to finish my food. geram sangat dah kat mamat ni. memang siap lah dia kan dalam keta japgi. 

after a while, his family left, and as soon as i got in the car of course la kena tampar kan.... geram betul. 

then, he took me to see his friends but i was already sleepy. masa hang out dekat kedai makan dekat dataran, we did not ordered sebab dah makan kan.. so kitorang just duduk and sembang dengan kawan-kawan dia. 

lepas tu his friends hang out dekat dataran sembang-sembang. but i was already sleepy so i just slept in the car. then diorang nak gi KTM and again, i just slept in the car sampai rasa nak pergi toilet, baru lah kitorang balik. that was around two a.m. rasanya. 

nearly four a.m. baru sampai rumah sebab pegi minum dekat bistro berdua.. and i ate two bananas. 

i just had to make silly faces.

lol at his face.. hahaha...

speaking of food, now, my housemates are not in the house cuz they all went for a lunch with their tutor. so i haven't eaten my lunch. and i am now too lazy to go out sebab semalam dah balik lambat.

gtg. lapo.


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