
Showing posts from December, 2018


My baby is being difficult today. Sebab? Sebab dia taknak tidur and bila dia tidur and terbangun, dia still mengantuk menyebabkan dia mengamuk and nothing can help to soothe him. Stress jugak lah memandangkan badan aku sakit. Nak jalan pun sakit  It’s 11.09 p.m. and he is now asleep. After refusing to be taken by me. Akhirnya dah tidur. And now it is my turn. Pinggang and my pelvic still really really hurt. Can walk but slowly and with the right way in order to reduce the pain. Bukannya totally hilang terus sakit tu. tapi bersyukurlah. Demi baby dan semua. Hehe. Alhamdulillah.  Jom tido.